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  • The new GLCC Website has launched!  We hope you find it easy to navigate, more modern and mobile friendly. There are several new features that should be highlighted. Click the Learn More button below to review them. Please note that your login credentials remain the same. Consider viewing the Webinar to learn about the site. If you have questions or comments please use the Contact Us menu item above.

  • Please join us in welcoming Rear Commodore Philip R. May as our newly appointed Port Captain for Belmont Harbor - Chicago, Ill. (M-39). Philip has sailed on a wide range of boats, from one-design racers to offshore cruising/racing boats, and currently has a Dyer-29 power boat. Next time you're in Belmont Harbor, drop a line and give Philip a holler!

  •      Please welcome Tom and Janet Stone as our new Port Captains for Traverse City, Mich. (M-10)! This is what they told us about their boating experiences...      They purchased their first cruising boat, a 1987 O’day 28, in 2002. Although they had spent many hours on the water, most of those were in a canoe, wilderness camping.      When they were young, Janet and Tom would go on picnics to Holland State Park and spend hours watching sailboats going up and down the channel and dreaming of owning one someday. So, when some friends offered to sell their O’day, they jumped at the chance and named her "S"URPRISE!

  • Year 2020 has dished out quite a roller coaster of changes. One sure thing as a consortium; humans are getting better at adjusting! Within our Club, we have shifted to online meetings and member recruiting (instead of the traditional boat show platform).  Members are taking more GLCCSchool webinars, with the time they now find at home on their computers. Many are thankful to have this resource. While not able to cross international borders, members are revisiting the Harbor Reports to explore local treasures. Please click here to read more.

  •      Steve Reinecke is our newly appointed Port Captain for Bad River, Ont. (GB-46). He lives in Strathroy, Ont., and is married to a wonderful woman for the past 30 years. He has 2 great children, Trevor, 22 and Emily, 26. Steve is a Clinical Scientist and currently works for a company out of Houston, Tex., in the Disinfection and Healthcare IT Industry. He travels extensively for work.      Steve has been a GLCC member for 12 years and has served as an Assistant Port Captain, Port Captain, Board Member and Rear Commodore. He has also previously chaired the Admissions/Membership Committee. Please click here to read more!

  • As a GLCC member, you can be sure that you and your family will be welcomed anywhere you cruise on the Great Lakes. Our membership is divided up between Rear Commodores that support Port Captains and help members within regions. If you look at the illustration, you will see, based on where your boat rests, which region you would belong to. The election of Rear Commodores at the Annual General Membership Meeting on Oct. 24, 2020 now supports the realignment of the Great Lakes Region that was approved by the Board of Directors at the July 18, 2020 meeting. As a member, if you knew which region you belonged to before, it may have changed. For more details, please click here.

  • NOAA will stop providing paper charts by 2025. That said, there's some exciting news on the horizon offering the option of custom printable charts which you'll be able to print yourself or potentially purchase through marine chart suppliers who will print them for you. For more information and a link to a highly informative webinar on this capability, click here.

  • Today we welcome our newly appointed Port Captain for the Trent Severn Waterway, Ont. (W-6), Charlie Ellins. Charlie has been Boating from the time of his first family boat in the 1950s including considerable time on the TSW. He skippered the family cruiser from Trenton to Orillia at age 15 with his mom and two sisters. He joined the Canadian Power Squadron in 1968 and now has 51 merit marks [Life Member]. Charlie has been Commodore of the Lake Simcoe Yacht Club in 1978-1979 when there were over 200 members. Please click here to read more!

  • 04/27/2023 Corrected link to Harbor report. JM

  • While the world is still figuring things out, Lifeline remains a constant! Good thing, because it gives us something more for which to be thankful. GLCC’s fall Lifeline is a beacon for us boaters. As we close our season, we look forward to events that will happen in person (2020 Lake Erie Regional Dinner) and via Zoom platform (GLCC & GLF Annual General Membership Meetings — where we say farewell to our beloved Commodore, Rich Barzyk and welcome incoming Commodore, Dan Cline, as well as new and returning Board members). Read how the GLCCSchool webinar registrations were booming this summer, a detailed boaters log that utilizes the harbor reports for a seaworthy venture, and a narrative on joining the GLCC. Click here to read on.