US and Canadian Border Reporting Requirements
REPORTING REQUIREMENTS for small vessels (private boats) in the U.S. & Canada… Great Lakes Region
As of March 29, 2019 revision as reported by Brad Somers, Rear Commodore (Ret)
This document has not been reviewed by US Customs and Border Protection OR Canadian Border Services Agency.
The primary focus of this information is private vessels operating between Ports in the Great Lakes Region. While these regulations undoubtedly apply for other areas there may also be additional requirement when operating beyond the Great Lakes.
Be aware Customs considers all water vehicles to be governed by these regulations. This includes vessels such as Sea Dos, Kayaks and fishing boats.
It is assumed that operators and passengers are Canadian or US Citizens, or Permanent Residents of Canada or the US. Note; Permanent Residents of Canada should be prepared to prove their citizenship since your visa privileges are dependent on your Citizenship not your residency status.
If you are going to be operating a vessel in foreign waters, for example a Canadian vessel on a sightseeing trip that crosses into US territorial waters, with no intention of landing or satisfying any of the requirements that would normally require you to report into customs, you could still be stopped by a patrol vessel and inspected. It is a good idea to have documentation supporting the citizenship of those on board and the ownership of your vessel at all times.
Also, be prepared for regional “variations” or interpretation of rules. Different Regions may choose to interpret regulations and requirements differently, to address regional issues.
Source information is available at these government web sites.
Both US and Canadian Governments have made great strides in providing information on the internet. Some of these sites are listed below and will also be highlighted throughout this document.
US Customs and Border Protection:
US CBP web page specifying Pleasure Boat Reporting requirements.
Canadian Border Services Agency:
CBSA Reporting Requirements for Private Boaters:
CBSA Disagreements, reviews and appeals:
The Shiprider program is at:
Importing or Traveling with pets in Canada:
Abbreviations used herein:
US Customs and Border Protection- CBP
Canadian Border Services Agency – CBSA
Telephone Reporting Center-TRC
Alternative Inspection System – AIS
Trusted Traveler Program – TTP
Reporting Requirements in the UNITED STATES
Reference web site;
Small Vessel Reporting System (SVRS) is longer in service and float plans will no longer be accepted. Boaters looking for a new, faster way to report their arrival and/or apply for a registered boater program may use the CBP ROAM app, available for free on the Apple App and Google Play stores. Boaters may also continue to report their arrival via designated telephone reporting numbers, if desired.
All vessels over 30 feet must have a USER FEE DECAL. They are good for one year and can be ordered.
If you are a new boater or are heading into an area you are unfamiliar with it can be helpful to refer to CBP website Pleasure Boat Locations; You will be able find ports of entry and what Alternative Inspection System they participate in. Also, phone numbers are available to get local information.
To further facilitate expedient clearing, a BR number (Boater’s Registration Number) is encouraged for each person who regularly and routinely crosses the border by boat. The BR number allows all information embedded in the Nexus or I-68 registration to be available to the US CBP Officer and eliminates the need to repeat and record all such information on the phone-in report. A couple of simple key questions may be asked to confirm identity.
BR numbers can currently be obtained as part of the process when applying for an I-68 or a Nexus card. Just ask to be included in the program during your interview.
It is necessary to report in when
Operators of small pleasure vessels arriving in the United States from a foreign port or place to include any vessel which has visited a hovering vessel or received merchandise outside the territorial sea are required to report their arrival to CBP immediately.
Unless you are participating in one of the Alternate Inspection Systems (AIS) you must be prepared to present yourself, the vessel and all passengers for a face-to-face inspection.
Note: If you are not participating in an Alternative Inspection System, Passports are required. Utilization of a Passport creates an absolute requirement that the individual (and therefore the vessel and all other passengers) be inspected face to face. This could cause significant delay in clearing because the dispatching of officers is subject to their availability. As well, you could be directed to report in person rather than having officers dispatched to the vessel. If you are directed to report, you must do so over land as you have already “landed”. The cost of doing so (cab fare etc.) could be prohibitive.
Alternate Inspection System
Participation in an AIS does not a guarantee that you will receive remote clearance. Granting entry remains up to the discretion of the interviewing officer.
Note: Port Information and contact numbers for ports of entry are available on the interactive site:
Copied from CBP website (current as of Oct 24, 2018);
Exceptions to Face-to-Face reporting to CBP
Alternative Inspection Systems (AIS) satisfy the boat operator's legal requirement to report for face-to-face inspection in accordance with 8 CFR 235.1, but boaters must still phone in their arrival to satisfy 19 USC 1433.
There are three exceptions to the face-to-face inspection at a designated reporting location, CBP Reporting Offsite Arrival – Mobile (CBP ROAM), NEXUS, and the Canadian Border Boat Landing Permit (I-68). Participation in any of these programs does not preclude the requirement for physical report upon request by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Any small pleasure vessel leaving a United States port into international or foreign waters, without a call at a foreign port, does not satisfy the foreign departure requirement. Therefore, certain fishing vessels, cruises to nowhere, or any vessel that leaves from a United States port and returns without calling a foreign port or place, has not departed the United States.
CBP Reporting Offsite Arrival - Mobile (ROAM)
The CBP ROAM app is a free mobile application that provides an option for pleasure boaters to report their U.S. entry to CBP via their personal smart device or a tablet located at local businesses to satisfy the above reporting requirements. In limited areas, travelers arriving remote areas may also be eligible to use the CBP ROAM app. Travelers using the CBP ROAM app may use the app to apply to become Verified Travelers (which includes existing LBO, SVRS, and I-68 numbers) and receive expedited processing on future arrivals.
NEXUS Marine program is a joint Canada-U.S. initiative that offers facilitated customs and immigration clearance for recreational low-risk boaters entering either country through registration into the program. NEXUS is valid for 5 years and satisfies the boat operator's legal requirement to report to a port-of-entry for face-to-face inspection in accordance with 8 CFR 235.1, but boaters must still phone in their arrival to satisfy 19 USC 1433.
Canadian Border Boat Landing Permit (I-68)
Canadian Border Boat Landing Permit (I-68) applicants for admission into the United States by small pleasure boats are inspected and issued an I-68 permit for the entire boating season. The I-68 permit allows boaters to enter the United States from Canada for recreational purposes with only the need to report to CBP by telephoning in their arrival.
Small Vessel Reporting System (SVRS)
SVRS is no longer in service and float plans will no longer be accepted.
Boaters looking for a new, faster way to report their arrival and/or apply for a registered boater program may use the CBP ROAM app, available for free on the Apple App and Google Play stores. Current SVRS registration numbers may be used within the CBP Reporting Offsite Arrival – Mobile (ROAM) for expedited processing. Boaters may also continue to report their arrival via designated telephone reporting numbers, if desired.
Boats for Display, Testing, or Race
Vessels that are entered into the United States for display at boat shows, testing, to take part in a race (not for money) and will not be in the United States for more than 90 days may be admitted without formal consumption entry or bond. A certificate identifying the boat will be issued to the importer and must be delivered with the vessel to the CBP office at the point of departure from the country. If a vessel entered for such purposes will be in the country for more than 90 days the importer will be required to post a bond. Any boats entered for sale or for sale on approval are not eligible for the Temporary Importation Under Bond (TIB) program and must be entered as a formal entry on a form CF7501.
End of copied information
Currently the preferred documentation for landing a vessel in the United States is a Nexus card or an I-68 form. These documents allow for remote clearing of the vessel and all passengers.
Note:Remote clearing for any AIS can only take place if ALL passengers on the vessel have this documentation.
Information on the ROAM app is at;
Note; one of the requirements for setting up a ROAM account is having a account. You can create an account at; This is a separate site from CBP Decal program or the Trusted Traveler Program sites.
While the Roam program is being aggressively implemented on the US border for boats the Nexus program remains the gold standard for travel program inclusion. It allows use of the Trusted Traveler program while flying. When driving across the border it can provide expediated passage via preferred travel lanes.
Nexus provides the opportunity to report in by phone up to four hours prior to your planned arrival, but no less than 30 minutes prior to landing. However, don’t be surprised if US Customs and Border Patrol politely but firmly requests that you use the ROAM program. Even if it requires you to start from scratch and download the program, initiate and fill in all the required details. It takes about 45 minutes to go through the process and it will be much easier to do it at home. I say this from personal experience.
Nexus web site is at: Information on obtaining the card is along the menu on the left side of the page. Note: you will have to scroll down the menu
The I-68 also provides the opportunity to report in by phone for US citizens and non-US citizens along the US Border with Canada. Persons who are not U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States may use Form I-68 for visits not to exceed 72 hours and to visit within 25 miles of the shoreline.
Link to I-68 website; (As of update 2018.09.25)
The OARS system (Outlying Area Reporting System) allows checking in at selected locations. If you plan to use this system, I would highly recommend you call ahead to confirm locations and if the system is operational.
Link to OARS sight. (updated in 2014). It does not include information on OARS but does have a list of contact numbers);
SVRS (Small Vessel Reporting System) Small Vessel Report System (SVRS) is no longer in service and float plans will no longer be accepted.
Link to SVRS info;
Note: Officers may exercise discretion based on all circumstances and take a phone check in. One of those circumstances is the availability of staff to dispatch to the landing point. It would be recommended to establish this in advance.
US Penalties
Failure to report entry into the U.S. can result in civil penalties, including a $5,000 penalty for the first violation, $10,000 for each subsequent violation, and vessel seizure and forfeiture. Any boat master who is convicted of intentionally violating the law is liable for a fine up to $2,000 and/or imprisonment.
Regional Variations
Detroit: (2013)
Canadians who have crossed into the United States (using Nexus or I-68) by a vessel are required to re-report into US CBP every 72 hours if they have not left the country.
Note: This was stated by officers from the Detroit sector during a seminar in Windsor Ontario (Mar 2013). It was confirmed again May 2018.
Outside the Detroit area I can only recommend confirming if this required.
Reporting Requirements in CANADA
Notice: Cannabis
Despite the fact that cannabis (marijuana) is legal and regulated in Canada, it remains illegal to take cannabis across Canada's national borders, whether you are entering or leaving Canada. For more information, consult:
Notice: Surtax
As of April 30, 2019 the Surtaxes imposed July 1, 2018 due to the Canada/US trade dispute have been lifted.
The CBSA web site ( ) does a very good job of informing what is required when you are required to report to CBSA. It is worth while checking it periodically to see if there are any changes.
The key again is having appropriate documentation to facilitate a hassle-free report.
Again, the Nexus is the preferred document.
Passports and other Canadian identity documents (such as an Enhanced Driver’s License) will require a face to face inspection. This can cause substantial delay and further you can be directed to report at a specific port.
Effective June 2017 Canada brought is entry reporting requirement for private boaters (with less than 30 passengers) in line with the US regulations.
Entering Canada (effective June 2017)
If you are coming to Canada in a private boat (with less than 30 people aboard) you are required to report at a Telephone Reporting Site-Marine (TRS-M) or Direct Reporting Site for Marine Private Vessels (DRS/M). There is an interactive map of sites at:
The Canadian reporting system is a centralized system (the “TRC” administered out of Hamilton, Ontario) and the phone number for reporting is 1-888-226-7277 (1-888-CAN-PASS) toll free. Or 905-679-2073 (long distance charges may apply).
Note: there are numerous TRS-M sites throughout the Great Lakes Region, the interactive map above will allow you to check in advance, if you are unfamiliar with the area.
If you cross the border into Canadian waters (as of June 2017) you are not required to report to the CBSA if you:
- do not land on Canadian soil and do not anchor, moor or make contact with another conveyance while in Canadian waters, and
- do not embark or disembark people or goods in Canada.
If you have previously entered Canada by boat, and reported into CBSA, you will be on record, primarily, under the Registration number of your vessel. Customs will request your registration and confirm your identity. They will also want to establish the identity and documentation of anyone traveling with you. You will also be asked the standard battery of questions when crossing the border.
Note: weapons are frowned upon in Canada, do not show up at the Border with weapons on board unless you have made previous arrangements with CBSA.
Upon arrival the Telephone Reporting Centre (TRC) number is 1-888-226-7277.
If you have not reported into Canada by boat previously, when you do call in, you will have to be prepared to give your personal information and information about your travel documents. Note check web site for required documents.
You can also pre-register by emailing; with your full name, date of birth, type of travel documents numbers, type, and expiry date.
You, of course, must still use the regular reporting methods to report in when you arrive.
Nexus holders, you can also use your Nexus Card for reporting within 4 hours prior to arrival but not less than 30 minutes prior to arrival. The Nexus number is; 1-866-996-3987.
Note: To participate in the Nexus program everyone on the vessel must have valid Nexus cards.
You can check for restricted and prohibited goods at:
It is worth while checking since there can be regular food items that may be prohibited.
Canadian Penalties
The first offense carries a $1,000.00 minimum fine.
Second and subsequent offenses will trigger escalations in fines and depending on the nature of the contravention could result in seizure of the boat or incarceration or both.
CBSA Disagreements, reviews and appeals:
US and Canadian Ports of Entry. Locations and phone numbers.
United States;
Update on where to report into Canada
PermalinkIs there any new info about WHERE to report into Canada from Lake Michigan? The last I read was that we needed to go to the south end of Lake Huron in Sarnia? Also do we still use the ROM app to return to the US ??