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Welcome, Yvonne

Authored by Ronald Dwelle
March 8, 2008

Yvonne Murray is our new GLCC Office Manager in Port Huron. Born and raised in Michigan and now living in New Baltimore just south of Port Huron, Yvonne comes to us from HSBCHFC/ Beneficial Finance where she has enjoyed a 32-year career in finance, quality assurance, branch sales and branch account management. Most recently she was the Quality Assurance Compliance Specialist for the Metro Detroit District.

While it was not a prerequisite for the job, Yvonne and her husband Greg are active boaters on the Great Lakes and members of the North Channel Yacht Club on Anchor Bay. Yvonne is a past president of the 1st Mates of North Channel Yacht Club and has also served as Boatique Director and Social Director in the club.